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  • McKinstry Launches New “Return with Confidence” Service to Prepare Buildings to Safely Re-Open
May 19, 2020

McKinstry Launches New “Return with Confidence” Service to Prepare Buildings to Safely Re-Open

McKinstry Launches New “Return with Confidence” Service to Prepare Buildings to Safely Re-Open

Customized assessment and action plans deliver the health, safety and assurance needed for building occupants to return with confidence

SEATTLE (May 19, 2020) – McKinstry, a national leader in designing, constructing, operating and maintaining high-performing buildings, has announced a new service offering designed to help building owners and operators ensure their facilities are ready to safely reopen for occupants. As part of the company’s “Return with Confidence” service, McKinstry will provide a free phone consultation before performing a tailored assessment and action plan for reopening based on each building’s unique needs.

During the months-long novel coronavirus pandemic, many buildings have been sitting empty or operating at limited capacity. Reopening requires specific procedures to ensure the health and safety of all occupants. Even buildings that have remained operational need to be assessed, retuned and reprogrammed to minimize the spread of illnesses like COVID-19.

“McKinstry’s team of experts will assess a building and create a custom action plan that will allow everyone to return to the facility with confidence,” said Adam Gloss, general manager of Service at McKinstry. “Our licensed technicians, plumbers and electricians are available to assist, or to perform the work, if needed, to deliver the assurance that it is safe for occupants to return.”

McKinstry will evaluate indoor air quality, ventilation, temperature, humidity, mechanical systems and water quality following CDC, ASHRAE and OSHA guidance. The detailed assessment will provide the basis for an actionable plan for facility staff to follow to maximize occupant health and safety.

Action plans may also include measures to reassure and inform occupants on steps taken to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. These measures range from simple building signage to comprehensive dashboards that engage building occupants to remind them to follow proper social distancing and handwashing protocol, wear proper protective equipment and more. McKinstry experts stay engaged, returning to monitor, verify and fine-tune operations as occupancy needs and CDC, ASHARE and OSHA guidelines evolve.


About McKinstry

McKinstry is a national leader in designing, constructing, operating and maintaining high-performing buildings. From new construction and ongoing operations to adaptive reuse and energy retrofits, the company provides a single point of accountability across the entire building lifecycle. McKinstry focuses on people and outcomes to ensure the built environment serves owners, operators and occupants alike. McKinstry is your trusted partner for the life of your building.

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