Isaac Fones
Talent Acquisition Partner
Minneapolis, Minnesota
I get excited when I see our team reaching out to a variety of different college recruiting venues, especially engineering programs.
Many colleges and universities are working to increase diversity, and as a result, our candidate pools get more diverse coming out of engineering and construction programs.
McKinstry values diversity and equity within our workforce and the industry, so it’s great to have the support of the entire company as we try to recruit people from different backgrounds.
The most important thing is for people to know why they want to be here. There are thousands of construction companies that people can go to work for if they just want to build buildings or just want to have their name on a project or just want to make money. McKinstry is unique because of the vision and values that bring us together and that motivate our work.
I think for an individual’s personal and career satisfaction, they should figure out if they really want to be a part of what we’re doing at McKinstry. And if that motivates them, that in turn will also make them a more effective and more productive employee for McKinstry.
McKinstry understands the importance of a proper work-life balance. I am a father to young kids, so almost all our free time is dedicated to spending time with them. I help with homework and just try to get outside. In general, I place importance on getting outdoors as much as possible.
I love working for McKinstry because of its people. I like the people on my team and the people I get to work with. I like the people that we get to help come into McKinstry. It seems to be the common denominator for what people love about McKinstry is our culture, our values and putting people first in our conversations and in people’s career development.
I get to work with a bunch of talented, intelligent and enthusiastic people every day, and that’s easily my favorite part about being at McKinstry.