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  • Inflation Reduction Act: How Can I Make the Most Out of the IRA?

Inflation Reduction Act: How Can I Make the Most Out of the IRA?

Diving into the details of the legislation to help you understand your options.

The Inflation Reduction Act creates significant opportunities for building owners to ready their operations for long-term resiliency and eliminate deferred maintenance, realize cost savings, accelerate decarbonization and reach equitable outcomes for generations to come.

Megan Owen, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Markets at McKinstry, discusses the once-in-a-generation opportunity for building owners:

How can I make the most of the IRA?

The Inflation Reduction Act opens the door for building owners to extend their budgets, meet clean energy needs faster and invest in projects that feature attractive economic returns. And for most, this legislation is empowering because cost is now a much lower barrier to entering and accelerating your energy projects.

Making the most of the legislation requires thorough evaluation, deep and robust planning, goal setting and expert guidance. McKinstry works in lockstep with our clients, partners and communities to make the most of this historic investment into our future, leveraging our expertise, experience and partnerships to craft innovative, tailored and holistic solutions that ensure our clients achieve their goals. 

Overall, we see the IRA programs as a way for organizational leaders and building owners to accelerate their long-term plans around performance upgrades, electrification efforts, reduced operating expenses, modernization and decarbonization. Regardless of where a client is on the spectrum of transformation, the Inflation Reduction Act enables their journey to develop a more efficient and resilient infrastructure.

Each of us has a role to play in seizing this moment. The time is now to unite and leverage our collective knowledge, innovative thinking and desire for change to lead the way with bold action that has a real and lasting impact on our climate, our communities and our people.

For more information and resources, please contact us below.

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Financial Disclaimer: McKinstry is not engaged in providing legal, tax or financial advice. The information provided herein is intended only to assist you in your decision-making and is broad in scope. Accordingly, before making any final decisions you should consider obtaining additional information and advice from your accountant or other financial advisers who are fully aware of your specific circumstances.